Please remember that we do not call you unless you call us. Thank you for your business. ~ Rhonda Duffy


Picture Taking Tips

When taking your photos, please do not take vertical photos as they don’t crop well in the FMLS and MLS.

Take pictures that show the features of your home.

Stage for your photos by moving furniture to sit around the features of your home. For example if you have a fireplace, make the fireplace the focal part of the home, not the TV that you are taking with you.
You can also hire our Stager – get the details at U: SOLD P: today

Remove your junk and open up your room from overloadeded furniture when you take photos.

You can use one focal piece like a plant to add color and move it from room to room as you take photos.

Take plenty of photos and then send us the best ones that you like. When looking at your photos, think to yourself “Does this represent my home in it’s best light?”

Please don’t send us extra photos for us to choose from as we are simply pointing and clicking them onto sites quickly due to the amount of photos that we post for clients daily and the amount of sites that we add each of our clients on.

Traffic is generated online first and your buyer may not take a second look at your home by visiting the home in person as they believe that they have already seen the home online.