Please remember that we do not call you unless you call us. Thank you for your business. ~ Rhonda Duffy


When Will the Appraiser Call Me?

The lender of the buyer is in charge of ordering the appraisal.

The lender or the appraiser that has been hired by the lender will call you when they want to do their appraisal. Sometimes they don't call until 3 days before you are going to close. Most appraisers have a lockbox key, but if they do not, Consider hiding a key somewhere around your home if you don't have a lockbox and moving it after you have told someone where it is.

When Will I Find Out If My Property Appraised?

You may not hear anything. No news is good news.

What If My House Does Not Appraise?

We will deal with that when we hear that it has not aprraised.. We will have a couple of options including you getting another appraisal from someone on the vendor list of appraisers from the underwriter. Or, you may decide to lower the price to the appraised price. Just wait and see if it happens before you start to even think about this issue.

How Do Appraisals Work?

The appraiser is hired by the underwriter to assess the risk of the buyer buying your home. If your buyer has good credit and money into the deal, the appraisal should not be an issue. If on the other hand your buyer is risky, we could have a problem that may not have really anything to do with your home.